Wednesday, December 3, 2008

collared shirt

my work makes me wear a collar

and if i don't i will be sent home without a dolla

fuck that i'm not a slave

you can take your new nazi symbol to your fucking grave

since when is a collared shirt worth more than your soul

but i'm the crazy one right? right? right?

it's all about perception they say

we've got it all wrong is what i say

I am not a slave, i am not a piece of property, i am not money, i am a free minded human being.

So fuck all your bling and your bang - because it is all bullshit lies.

I had to suffer all these years, until i dug up your lies... and now i know the real truth. and the truth shall set me free.

If Jesus was here today he would slit his wrists and cry. What have we become? We ruined everything that He begun. Why? Your minds eye is blind.

A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. -Albert Einstein.

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. - Albert Einstein.